Sunday, December 4, 2011

Using Epoxy Resin on a painting to get a shiny, glossy, modern look.

I first discovered Epoxy Resin while strolling through Saint-Paul street art galleries, in Montreal. I came across really nice artworks which appeared heavily varnished, really glossy and I liked the mirror-like effect on those paintings. On the internet I found artists like Sand T Kall, who use resin to create extraordinary effects on their paintings.  So far I have used epoxy resin on two paintings, here and here.

What is epoxy resin: Epoxy Resin adds a transparent thick hard layer on top of your artwork. Epoxy Resin is a thermosetting polymer formed from reaction of an epoxide "resin" with polyamine "hardener". Basically you will always get two bottles of liquid loosely labelled "A" and "B". You will need to mix them thoroughly in a 1:1 ratio (it is really important to follow this easy "cooking recipe", otherwise the chemical reaction between "A" and "B" might not be the most successful). You will then apply the mix to your painting previously laid on a flat surface. The resin itself will level out but you might want to use a brush or a stick to get a cleaner finish.

When you use Epoxy Resin for the first time, you will notice air bubbles on top of the applied resin. You can easily get rid of those bubbles by blowing on them with a straw or using a hair dryer. Another, more effective technique would be to use a blow torch at a 6 to 8in distance from the surface.

Another tip is to cover your resined piece in order to protect it from dust. Otherwise tiny particles of dust will get trapped inside the resin while it's hardening and the final result might not be the clean glass-like effect that is so extraordinary about epoxy resin. Unless the new dimension of imperfection added is something you would like, cover your artwork with a piece of cardboard for example, or use any other trick to protect your hard work from being spoiled.

The amount of time required for the resin mixture to complete its chemical reaction and be at its hardest point is called "cure time" and can vary from 48hrs to 72 hrs. After a few hours, typically 8hrs to 10hrs, you can already touch the resin without it feeling sticky.

Where to buy epoxy resin:

Safety disclaimer: Epoxy resin is a really dangerous chemical that should be handled with care and at your own risk.
However, there are some basic safety tips that you can follow in order to prevent any accident.
  • Always work in a well ventilated area and do not breath in resin fumes.
  • Avoid contact with your skin. Wear disposable gloves. Clean with vinegar or acetone in case of skin contact.
  • Preferably wear goggles to protect your eyes. If you get resin in your eyes, do not rub – flush with water repeatedly and seek medical attention.

Be safe and have fun !!!


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